Saturday, January 15, 2011

Project: Facial Expressions!

I am starting a new project where I am going to try to draw different facial expressions and emotions. Drawing faces in itself is very interesting but when there is a unique expression on the face I believe it makes it more interesting and full of a new life but is definitely harder to draw. Emily, my fiancee, suggested that I do this project so the following is my first drawing of many (hopefully) to come.

Friday, January 7, 2011

secret document!!

well not too much of a secret anymore!!
I planned to make this portrait a surprise for Emily but she surprised me by showing up unexpectedly while I was in the middle of drawing it. This portrait comes from a photograph and she didn't have to sit for it :) (saved her some backache :p)
It's charcoal on paper and took me approximately 5 hours (break in between--good night's sleep)

(couldn't really capture the glow in her face and her awesomely beautiful smile but she likes it so I am happy)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

mom on sketch

dad says i made her look too old. i guess the lighting made her look older than she really is.
but i think this was a successful portrait of her for which she sat on the chair for three long hours!

AND i got a frame!! cool eh :D